
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Circular Insanity Electrifying Eyes Makeup Contest Entry: Wired to Blue

You guys are going to be so bored of me spamming your blog feed with eye makeup contest entries. :D Blame these bloggers who are having such interesting contests, especially since all their themes are so different, I feel the need to enter all of them!

So, this entry is for Circular Insanity's contest, sponsored by L'Oreal, her theme is Electrifying Eyes! The look has to be electric, so time to get crazy!
I decided to go with blue for this entry because I had the words "electric blue" going through my head the whole time, so I decided to heck with it! I wanted to do a over the top, sci-fi meets David Bowie look. :D

Here's the look, Wired to Blue:

Products used:
So what do you think? 
I'll be putting up more entries for later. Please don't leave me for spamming you with pictures of my eye! ;- ;
If you would like to see tutorials for any of the looks I did or will be doing, just leave me a comment. :)

To take part in the contest go to Circular Insanity's post. If you aren't keen on eye makeup, she also has a Rafflecopter question that might interest you. :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

VNA Summer Eye Makeup contest Entry 1: Heat wave

I don't know how many of you girls have heard, Vanity No Apologies and L'Oreal have organised an awesome "Summer Eye Makeup" contest. Well, how can I ignore it! I have to take part... Muahaha! I'm going to go nuts with this!

This is my first entry, I wanted to do something bright but sultry that women can wear to a club or party. I did my best to not go OTT with it. ^-^' Plus the only thing I can think about summer right now is "Argh! HOT HOT HOT!" Hence, the warm colours. :/

So here is Heat Wave:

half closed


side view

Products used:

Please tell me what you think! Suggestions are welcome! :D I'm excited about what your thoughts are. :)

If you want to enter go HERE. The rules are simple and it'll be lots of fun. :)

Another Late Monday Manicure and a FOTD

I know, it IS Tuesday, I'm late again but I was out the whole day yesterday and by the time I got back I was so pooped, I would have been just typing "Baaboohagdjkagdhfk" and thinking I'm writing the blog post equivalent to a Shakespearean play.. I wonder what that looks like.. But anyway, yeah, so I decided to write when I'm more aware of my surroundings, especially the keys on my keyboard here.

Here's a tip from my boyfriend (who btw I now know is AMAZING at picking out foundation! Who woulda thunk it?!), he says before you look at my nails, make sure to stare directly at the sun for awhile, so your eyes won't hurt as much from the nails... Okay, don't really do that, the camera muted the colour anyway. :(

So here's my manicure, it's Yellow Polka Dot Bikini by China Glaze, I think it was from last year's summer Pool Party collection? Correct me if I'm wrong. I also did zebra stripes, I love the trashy look! LOL!

The camera doesn't pick up how highlighter yellow it is! *stomps camera*

In the sun, I feel it looks more "glowy" in darker conditions.

A close up because I hate your eyes! I kid, I kid!
Yellow Polka Dot Bikini is a very flourescent colour BUT pretty sheer. It has a matte finish and dries in seconds. For this mani, I used 2 layers of white polish below the yellow to make it pop. I'm loving it!

And I'm so happy, I found it on discount for 375 INR, I think its much cheaper than the online stores. :D

Here's the makeup I wore yesterday, it's at the end of the day so it looks pretty messed up now! LOL!

I'm wearing Maybellin's BB cream in Nude, Jordana Stardust blush on my face

I'm wearing ColorBar Velvet Matte lipstick in Peach Crush on my lips and
Maybelline's Chai Latte quad on my eyelids (3 colours) with Hypercurl Mascara and Colossal Kajal.
Apparently my hair is in competition with my nails! As is my lipstick! LOL!

I love it when my lipstick matches my hair btw! Hope you enjoyed this NOTD and FOTD.
See ya! xoxo

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Beauty and the Cheap's 100 Follower GIVEAWAY!

Yay!!! I'm so happy that my pointless babble about makeup has amused enough people that I've reached 107 followers now! So, as a thanks to my readers, i want to have a giveaway!

So here is *drumroll*

There will be one lucky winner who will get the following prizes:
The Body Shop's Sweet Lemon Shower Gel (travel size)
One of my most used bath products! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. :)

Cairuo 107, China Glaze "Optical Illusion" and NYX "Sandals" polishes
 I loved the Cairuo polish in the store and made a point to buy it for the giveaway, same for the China Glaze polish, I loved my Liquid Crystal one so much that I picked up Optical Illusion, from the same "Prismatic collection" for the giveaway. Look up swatches for it, I guarantee you will love it! NYX Sandals was such an amazing neon coral colour, very similar to the NYX Hot Coral that I have so I snatched it up too. :)

Maybelline Vivid and Smooth Liner "Peacock Green" Faces Glam On shadow "Pink Sequin"
 Love these liners and Faces shadows. :)

Color Bar Velvet Matte Lipstick "Bare"
This colour is so beautiful! The perfect nude, I wanted to get one for myself but it was the last piece. -__-

I selected some of my favourite things for this giveaway. :)
Here are the details:
  • This is a Rafflecopter giveaway.
  • There are 40 entries, 2 are mandatory entries, the rest are up to you.
  • One of the entries can be done everyday for additional entries. :)
  • This giveaway is open to everyone. :)
  • There will be only one winner.
  • Giveaway ends on 1st July 2012, winner will be announced on the 7th of July.
  • For any queries mail me at
  • For the "Answer a question" entry, give me your answer in the comments. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck everyone! And thank you for making my life on the internet so much fun! <3

Edit: If you see your comments missing below, don't worry, my Intense Debate is having some glitches but I have all your comments saved there. :)

Disclaimer: All products here were personally chosen and bought by me, they are all brand new and have not been sponsored in anyway.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Look at NYX Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest makes me think of some heavenly green place, always peaceful, with rainbows and unicorns prancing around. Turns out, you will never find this place because they packaged it into a nail polish bottle and their selling it for 206 INR on most websites.
Ok, they didn't put in the unicorns, well how you going to fit a unicorn into a 12 ml bottle? Plus they're cruelty free so I didn't expect it anyway. I feel bad for those homeless unicorns though. :(

This nail polish is beautiful! Big and small holo hex glitters with tinier sparkles all shining green and the colours of the rainbow in a sea of green jelly, which btw dries very fast, so no messed up nails from emergency texting! YAY!

I chose to wear this over my favourite polish, any guesses? NYX Surf which I've worn here and here.

I tried it on my bare nails but the green tinged nail look was not a glamorous one. So definitely need a matching base for this. Black would do well too!

Here are the swatches:
Indoors with flash

Natural light; Look at those glitters glow! 
Direct sunlight
I'm loving this polish! It changes in the light in such a beautiful way, plus I've been wearing it for 3 days now and no chipping! I highly recommend it! The only flop of the polish is that you really have to fish out the big glitters, I was literally looking for them, shaking the bottle and dabbing them on when I got them.

But once you get that out of the way and look at your pretty nails, you'll forget the hardships you went through to take out those glitters.
So, get this polish! Unless you feel very strongly about depleting the unicorn's natural habitat...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tutorial: Visual Kei Inspired Red, Black and Silver Sultry Eyes

Phew! That was a long title! I'm back with a new tutorial and I'm loving this look! I'm a big fan of Visual Kei music and I love the clothes and makeup that go with it! or all ye unknowing; Visual kei is a J-rock, music movement/ sub culture started in Japan, that uses a lot of makeup and weird elaborate clothes usually on androgynous guys.. And I LOVE IT! :D
Some of my favourite bands are The Gazette, Girugamesh and Dir En Grey.. So, when I got a request for this look I was jut like, "HELLS YES!"

This is what I came up with... No I did not shave my eyebrows although it does seem mandatory! LOL!

Here are the steps:
Step 1: Using a black eye pencil draw and fill in the lid area like shown below, make it so that i turned up and elongated. Also cover the outer third of the lower lid.

Step 2: Draw a guideline from the outer point of the black to the inside with a red shadow. Guidelines make life easier, always use them if you don't have a steady hand. :) Then fill it in. I use red because they use a lot of red or purple.. Of course, you can change it to any colour you want. :)

Step3:  Pat on a black eye shadow onto the pencil and blend into the red, blend the red out too but only slightly. It should be soft but defined.

Step 4: Use a pearly white shadow to highlight under the brow bone, I kept the highlight intense under the arch while blending it elsewhere.

Step 5: Using a white pencil as base, fill the lower lashline till the black. Then cover it with a silver shadow.

Step 6:  Add black eyeliner to the outer two thirds of the waterline and white to the inner. Add mascara and falsies, if you wish. And you're done!

Finish off with a nude lipstick and blush on the cheek bones.

Finished look:

The makeup I did though is a bit understated from the usual visual kei.. That gets a bit crazy sometimes. :D  If you would like to see a more OTT look, let me know. :) I thought it would be better to do a more wearable look.
Will you be using this look? Will you use red or some other colour? :D And yes! I do take requests, so bring them on! For more tutorials, check out my tutorials page on the header bar. :)

EDIT: Holy poop on a stick! 101 followers! Thank you guys! *happy tears* I love you! <3

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What's In My Mail? L'oreal and NYX

Hi girls, I know I usually say guys but I don't think any actual guys read my blog so I'm sticking with, "Hi girls!" Anyway, it's Wednesday.. No man's land. *sigh* Not that I mind, I work at home. :P But still, something about Wednesday is a downer right? Luckily I got the package I was talking about in my haul post a few days ago to make my day a bit perkier. :D

Here's what I got:
L'Oreal Go 360 Clean & NYX Candy Glitter Liner 
I got the Anti-Breakout type cleanser and NYX's Crystal candy Glitter Liner. Yay! I've been wanting to try these out for awhile now!

First Impressions:
L'Oreal 360 Clean-
OMG! The size of the bottle is BIG! Like really big! 178ml! That's like a medium sized shampoo bottle. :D I have never used a face wash in such a large quantity, so quantity wise, this is well worth the 339 INR I paid, the original cost is 400 btw!

And I love this scrubby thing.. *ahem* Scrublet...
"Hi, I'm a scrublet!" :D
I was most curious to try this product because of this little guy! I expected it to be flexible but not too soft but I was dead wrong, it is so soft! For a second I was just like.. "Okaaayy! How you get stuff off my face?" But I guess it does! The best way to explain it is... It feels like a cat's tongue. -__-

"I'm a softie!"
 I like how it has a little nub you can hold. :D

Overall, on a first impression basis, I'm liking this cleanser, it smells a lot like the Garnier Pore Unclogging Facewash, which I love! I just hope it doesn't make me break out, I have a sneaking suspicion that my Garnier Blackhead Uprooting Scrub is! X(
Reviews for all these to come soon! :)

The NYX Candy Glitter Liner "Crystal"-
I've wanted a glitter liner ever since my DOL one clumped up on me.. I didn't even have it for so long! *sobs*
Crystal is a pretty pink/green/blue/purple holo on a white/ transparent base.. Vague yes? Glitter is hard to define! LOL! I want to get this other colours too, especially bright ones!

"I'm pretty! Oh, so pretty!~~"
This is what the liner is supposed to look like:

"I feel nekkid. D:"

Why you cut it off?! ;A; So weird!

I hope you enjoyed my first impressions post. :) have you tried the L'Oreal 360 Go Clean or NYX Candy Glitter Liners before? What was your impression?

Edit: OMG! 94 followers! *does happy dance* Yikes! i still haven't gotten much ready for my 100 giveaway! FML! *gets to work*

Monday, May 21, 2012

Blog Hop Time and New Post Idea!

So, I've thought of a new feature for Tuesdays! It's something fun and it was inspired by my boyfriend... Or rather by what he says. -__- He has certain pet peeves about my makeup, especially lipsticks and we have arguments about what looks good and what doesn't.
So, I've decided, that I' going to have a post every Tuesday about the makeup that I love (and he hates) and let you decide whether he's right or am I. Sound like fun?
And if anyone else has similar issues with their Bfs, friends, moms, dads etc, send over your (makeup) troubles to me on (preferably with pictures) and we'll settle it out with a vote from the readers, blogger style! :D

Blog Hop No.11 People! This is a fun way to meet more bloggers and get more exposure. :) If you haven't tried it yet, do it now! Click on the button, add your link and follow 5 people in the list. :D


Share the love guys! See you tomorrow. <3

Nail Art Challenge Final day: Copy Cat

I'm feeling really sad that the nail art challenge is ending today. :( I hope everyone had fun seeing what Puja, the other girls and I came up with for the challenge. You can check out their entries on Puja's blog.

Today's theme is Copycat, we had to copy an already present nail art. When I was doing the Kpop makeup tutorial on Ren, I saw one of the teasers for the song and I really liked his nails, so I looked them up and did that. :D

This is the image I copied from:

This is what I did:
I'm sorry about the image quality. :( I don't have my usual camera and I'm having a hard time using this one. -__-

I used Maybelline Colorama "black", StreetWear "Silver Sparkles", China Glaze "Liquid Crystal" (for the stars), back crackle for the pinky and a black nail art pen. :)
Hope you like it! I'm going to miss making these for the challenge! Will have to think of my own design ideas now and I've become lazy! Heheh..

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ingot Freedom System Eyeshadow Review: AKA I was bad

So, there was a sale at Major Brands... *sobs* I bought Inglot stuff. *sobs some more* I'm so remorseful..
Actually, okay, I'll cut the drama, I think it was worth it. Even though it wasn't a BIG discount and I was going and proving my blog title a liar, truthfully, it wasn't so bad!

The shadows were INR300 each, not bad but still steep. I got two of them for 500.
The colours I got are AMC 60 (a shimmery bright yellow) and MATTE 366 (a matte coral), both I was eyeing for awhile, since I have no other colours like those. :D

(I'm sorry for my image quality in posts for the next 3 weeks, my sister has my camera and I have to use the BF's and I can't figure it out. :(
AMC 60 and MATTE 366
These are refills, so they come in these plastic moulded packets that have peel-off backs, luckily the packets seal up again and there is a black cardboard box to put them in so they won't get damaged.

natural light (w/out primer on left)

With flash (sorry for the crappy quality, I can't get the hang of my bf's camera. :/)
I loved how saturated these colours are! The yellow is not at all chalky like the one in my Coastal scents palette. And the coral is gorgeous! What I love is that even without primer, these stay on and look just as vibrant!

I did a simple EOTD with both colours and the "base" shade from Maybelline's Chai Latte as highlight. :) I actually blended a lot so the colours are not too in your face. I wanted it to be bright but everyday. :)
I lost control of my liner. LOL!
Price: Rs.300 each


  • Colours are very saturated
  • Long lasting with/ without primer
  • Good quantity at 2.7gm each
  • These are good choices if you like bright colours, otherwise they have a good range of other colours.
  • Price. :(
  • Availability: Only available in Inglot stores or Majorbrands.
  • STAIN! I had faint yellow and pink o my lids and arm even after removing. But I guess, it proves the long lasting claim I made. :D
So, overall, I would buy again! But maybe when I have more money to burn. :P
Have you ever bought stuff from Inglot? What did you buy and did you like it? :)

Big Fat Haul from Last Week

So ermm, I went a little nuts last week, look at all the things I got! At least, more things to share with you right? Huh? Huh? Okay, yeah, I need an intervention. -__-

Went to Westside, as you know from the Chai Latte review. Got:
Maybelline Chai Latte quad, Makeup Remover, Vivid and Smooth Liner (grey)
and  Bourjois Clubbing eye pencil (Blue Remix )
The Chai Latte was another elusive Pokemon that I needed to catch, the remover I NEEDED!

Local Beauty Store:
Sunsilk Lusciously Thick and Long (that name is so wrong.. *Hauls mind out of gutter*)
Lux Magical Spell Body wash

ColorBar Velvet Matte Lipstick (Peach Crush), nailpolish (top coat), eyepencil sharpner,
Lotus Matte Gel spf 50 sunscreen
I never liked Sunsilk but I think they've reformulated their products, so I decided to try the pink one and I'm liking it a lot so far. :) My sister got me hooked to Lux bodywashes, I like that they don't leave a greasy film after you're done, great for summer. I have 3 now. >_<

ColorBar Velvet Matte Lipstick (Peach Crush) my first ColorBar lipstick. :D
I fell in love with the lipstick! :D

Online Shopping:
Stylecraze got in some amazing NYX stuff!

NYX girls polish: Enchanted Forest *pretty*

NYX round lippies in Stella and Femme.
I've been wanting Femme forever! Stella was a disappointment colourwise, it has silver glitters. :( Reviews will be up soon. :)

Majorbrands had a Mother's day sale, so I picked up 2 shadows that I was eyeing for awhile but they were too expensive, I have to stick to my blog name, you know! But I gave in.. Paid 150rs less though. :P

My first ever Inglot purchase. :D 
AMC 60 (yellow), Matte 366 (coral)
Reviews for these two are coming up NOW! :D

That's it for last week, I have another order coming though, I ordered the L'oreal 360 Go Clean Face wash, It sounds promising, lets see... Until then: Insolvency. That is all.

What did you haul this week? Did you go overboard? Comment and tell! :D