
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Through Thick and Thin: Yanqina Liquid Eyeliner Review

Hello lovely people! :D Today's review is of a product that's really blown me away! I've never used a liner in pen form. *shoots self* I always go with the old school brush types, gel or felt tip ones. So when Lee Lee from UNIQSO sent me the Yanqina liquid liner to try, I was very curious!
The Yanqina liquid liner is a product of Japan (so you KNOW it's good!) It costs $5.90 on UNIQSO!
Oh yes, thanks UNIQSO for sending this to me along with the lenses I reviewed on Friday.

$5.90 (Rs. 318) for 2.5g. That's a good price I think! ^_^ Much cheaper than store brands! 

I didn't get any outer box with the pen, the pen is a pretty black and red with cute graphics and a bit of Engrish on it. Lol! Nice and light, easy to carry in the bag and the lid fits snug, so no chance of accidents! The nib is perfect for thick or thin lines! :D 

Damn focus! Nib! :)

36H? Hours? I don't think so. >.> Why would you want something to last that long anyway?!

Engrish! Lol! Waterproof Lash Eyeliner Pencil... I don't even..
The colour is nice and deep! One swipe gets you almost opaque colour and I love that it has a almost shiny finish. Not quite matte, not quite shiny. Perfect! Swipe it twice and you have a great solid black!

Lasting Power:
This stuff lasts for ages even on my oily lids, although after a day of wearing it, it faded a bit but quite evenly! And absolutely no transfer on my lids. It is waterproof but not if you rub it after washing. :/ Just pat dry if you want it to last! Don't rub!

You can see how much thin/ thick control you get with this liner!

no flash


under water

being rubbed off after washing

Yanqina is an amazing liner! I would buy it again, if not for me, for my sister! She managed to use this with ease for someone who is just awkward with makeup, that is amazing! I only wish that it was a tad more long lasting but overall it does a great job! Awesome for detailed work and beginners. ^_^


Want it?Get it HERE!

Have you tried pen liners before? What was your experience?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Circle Lens Review: I.Fairy Jewel Blue

Ah, it's been a long time since I did a circle lens review! Okay no, it hasn't but it does feel like it! Lol! Anyway, the lenses I'm reviewing today are quite outside my comfort zone but I'm glad I picked them! The lenses I'm reviewing are the I.Fairy Jewel series in Blue!
They were sponsored by the very awesome UNIQSO!
Thanks UNIQSO! >3<

So far I've tried Geo the most and I wanted to try a new brand that's why I went for I.Fairy. They have really creative and crazy designs! This one is one of the tamer ones. ;)
Anyway, on to the review!~

Brand:  I.Fairy (SUNnBON)
Water content: 42% 
Diameter: 16.2 mm
Base curve: 8.6 mm
Prescription available:  0 to -7.00
Expiry:1 year disposable (3 years if unopened)
Place of Origin: Korea

The Jewel series comes in 6 colours including pink! :D 

So, this time the post was kind to me and I got my lenses in a week! Yay! I opened it all up and saw, Uniqso has new packaging! It is super cute but I loved the old one too! ^u^

Now they also provide a q tip to fish out your lenses from the vial!

The Korean says Mi-in. I wonder if that's the Korean name. (It means  Belle/ Beauty.)

Authentication baby!
In the vial

In the case
Close up
Natural light


One in, one out, no makeup! Holy super wonky eyes Batman!
 Design: ♥♥♥♥
I am in love with the design! The edge of the lenses looks serrated and this really softens the effect of the huge size! The colour is so obvious! I've never worn normal blue lenses that were so bright! In natural light they look the best. They look normal yet claim attention! The only issue I have with the design is that it ends too abruptly in the center. So sometimes you get a "chameleon eye" effect. Luckily it isn't too noticeable!

Comfort: ♥♥♥ 
The comfort I would say is okay for these lenses. The water percentage is a whopping 42% but the first time I wore them my eyes felt tired really easily! The second time was much more comfortable. They weren't like my previous lenses that felt comfy as soon as I wore them but they were easy to get used to. I got 6 good hours of comfy wear from them. I think it is because there is a lot of pigment in them that they made my eyes tired easily.

Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥ 
The enlargement for me was just right with these lenses! They were not too big or doll like, and surprisingly natural for 16.2 mm effect lenses!

I love the bright colour, I love the size and how they look! I find them awesome to wear with my glasses (see pics), they make my eyes stand out without looking unnatural! Here are some pics to show you how they look!

I especially love how they look with my glasses! I will be reviewing the glasses soon too btw!

Want these lenses? Go HERE!
Have you tried blue lenses before? What was your experience?

I'm Co-hosting the "Bright Side Beauty Weekend Bloghop!"

I'm so excited! This is my first time co-hosting a blog hop! So do take part! The rules and details are below. Have fun! =)

Meet Me on the Brightside
     Happy Friday Bloggers!  The weekend is almost here! Come link up to my Brightside Beauty Blog Hop for a chance to gain new followers and find amazing new reads. Linky list will be open now until this Sunday night 11:59 pm, Ohio time. There are only a few guidelines , so read and follow them all and let the fun begin.  Don't forget to come back every Friday to join the blog hop and enter future giveaways :)  The blog this weekend with the most views will win a co-host spot on next weekend's hop so get your network on :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

24 Hour Color Tattoo is finally here! Review!

Yes, I've been a bad blogger! I've neglected my blog for almost a week now! *gasps* It's weird, I just haven't been in the mindset to write! And I could not have worse timing for such a mindset because I have a gazillion reviews to do! 
So I'mma take baby steps and start small, with a review of Maybelline's Color Tattoo Eyeshadow! I know all you Indian babes are ecstatic that it's finally here, right? ^o^

There are 8 shades released in India, all of them are AWESOME! I had taken crappy cellphone pics of swatches for all of them but they are so horrible, i can't bear to put them up! But a lot of bloggers have already put them up so just google it! Lol!

These epic cream shadows have been compared to MAC paint pots, having never tried the paint pots, I can't judge! Anyway, these babies promise 24 hour, crease less wear. I haven't tested them for that long but I'll tell you my experience. :D

Rs.350/- Not too high, not too low for 4g of product. :) I got it for Rs.315 at Beauty Center btw!

The eyeshadow comes in a sealed glass jar with a black screw off lid. The lid has all the details writtn on it, whereas the jar has Color Tattoo printed in silver. For the month of September, each Color Tattoo shadow comes with a free eyeshadow brush! So hurry to get yours. :) 
I suggest storing these upside down, not only does it help you find the colour more easily, but they don't dry out either. ^-^

I love this purple! It's a little on the lavender side and a bit sheer butit can be built up to an amazing jewel tone intensity! I picked this one because I really don't need more neutral shadows but the gold and bronze are really pretty as well! Next I'm going to pick up Edgy Emrald! A wonderful green, :)

Swatch on the left, spread on right. You can see how sheer it is but in my EOTD you can see how I've built the intensity. It sets in seconds, so you have to work fast!
No flash

With flash
Lasting Power:
I had this swatch on my hand for at least 10 hours and only after I had washed my hand for the 5th time could I see some fading, I just did my daily doings with it on and it stayed with no transfer or creasing. On my lids, which are crazy oily in this weather btw, it stayed on for a good 7 hours with no creasing even though I had layered it. 
It will ONLY come off with an oil based makeup remover! I had to scrub my arm with normal cleanser in the store and it didn't even budge! Good show, Maybelline!

I will definitely be buying more of these, I'm eyeing Edgy Emerald and Fierce and Tangy next! The only issues with the Color Tattoo I had was, this colour is sheer, so I use more product to build it up, so it is a waste. Luckily this is not the case with ALL of them! Secondly, it is best applied with a sponge applicator or finger so that maybe a problem for some!

Gold, black from CS 88 palette and Painted Purple layered twice.
Rating: ♥♥♥♥
0.5 for the sheer finish. .___.

Have you tried any of the Color Tattoo shadows yet? Which ones do you like? ^u^

Thursday, September 20, 2012

L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadow Mono Review and EOTD Part 1: Burning Black

Ah, I've been waiting to review the Infallible shadows. *Does preparatory stretching exercises* They've been in my collection for a while now. I'm actually in love with them. I try to make use of them almost every time I'm going outside, which has made my makeup a bit monotonous these days but eh, I'm trying to change. Lol!
It all started with Forever Pink, Ansh from Vanity No Apologies had sent it to me. I was in laauve! After that I got two more and now they take the spot light on my shelf. ^^

I decided to do a review for each one separately, because they kinda are different from each other in one way or another. Today, I'll tell you about my favourite one. Burning Black. In my next reviews, I'll only be mentioning certain points because I'm lazy and I'm writing them here anyway. :P

A little bit about the Infallible shadows (copied from the website):
Ultra-intense colour, up to 24 hour long-lasting hold and velvety soft feel.

PRICE: Rs.450/- I got Burning Black for 375 because I'm cool like that... Ok, there was a sale. 

PACKAGING: The Infallible eyeshadows come in nifty plastic jars with a little stopper lid. KEEP THAT STOPPER! These shadows are a creamy powder and aren't pressed. So there will be spillage if you lose the stopper. The quantity is 3.5g which is quite a bit! It will last me forever and a day. Always a good thing. ;)

COLOUR/ TEXTURE: The texture of Burning Black is creamy and smooth but at the same time powdery. It's weird to explain but it's very smooth. Not all the shadows in this range are smooth. 
I love the complexity of all the colours. Burning Black can be black, purple and brown altogether and it has really pretty shimmers in purple and pink.

APPLICATION: Although this shadow applies well, there is some fall out. It also tends to "set." And being Infallible, once set, it is hard to budge, so you have to work with it fast. Any kind of eye shadow brush works well with this one.
I personally love using Burning Black on the outer V of my eye. 

LONGETIVITY: Can you say forever? Okay, I exaggerated.. These will last you 8-10 hours with minimal creasing if used with a primer. I haven't seen the need to use them longer. And they do stain btw. Even if you smudge them by hand, they will leave deep marks.

With Flash
without flash
 I feel a bit stupid taking a flash and no flash picture of this colour. I feel like it's mocking me. There is no difference. :| It's too awesome to change for my puny camera flash. *sigh*

How did I live without these? No, really.. Sure, the packaging is not the kind you carry around for touch ups and they can be messy and give some fall out. But Burning Black has gone on to become my favourite colour to use with brights and neutrals. Great for a smokey eye too! It stays on for hours and the price is just right.


BUY IT. *u*

Here's a look I did today using Burning Black and the neon pink from the Sleek Acid palette (review soon.)
I liked how dramatic it looked but I should have blended a bit more. *so lazy* Oh well, hope you like it anyway!

Next time, I'll be reviewing Forever Pink! :) Thanks for reading! ♥

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Manicure: Chrysanthemum Water Decals

A manicure after a long time eh? I was giving me nails a little break these past couple of weeks. That's why I haven't posted anything about my nails!
Today's manicure features these beautiful water decals I got from KKCenterHk.As you know they have an amazing range of makeup in every price range. :)

The water decals are by N.NAIL, Daisy Chrysanthemum Flower Water Decals Nail Art. I picked these because I don't do a lot of flower nail art so I thought this might be a good change. Not to mention, this is my first time trying water decals! *Shock*

These decals are pretty cheap, for $2.82 for a sheet of 25. 

I really enjoyed using these, it was like those fake tattoos we got as kids. :) You soak them in water for a few seconds and then peel them off the paper and stick them on your nail.

Make sure your nail is a bit wet too so you can move them to the desired position. Then just dab with a tissue to make it stick! EASY!

Here's what I did with them! I applied China Glaze's Re-fresh Mint, which I looove btw! and the swirls were NYX's striping polish in silver sparkles, I regretted putting it on almost instantly. :( I don't know if you'll like it. But here it is!

                                                                   I hoped you liked this Manicure Monday! 
                               Make sure to check out KKCenterHk for water decals and many  other things
Use the code: beautyandthecheap and get 10% off your purchase!

*Valid till 31st Jan 2013
*Product was sent to me for review.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Good Luck Mini Giveaway!

Yay! Another giveaway! Well, since the prizes are small but fun, I say "Mini Giveaway."
I was having a lot of good luck last month, so I'm going to share it with someone by having this mini giveaway. ^_^

I couldn't help but buy some stuff from the Lily Cole collection at The Body Shop, it was all so PINK! *o*
I actually picked up just one thing for myself from the collection and got two for the giveaway. ^_^

One winner will receive:
One Lily Cole compact mirror, It has two mirrors, one with insane magnification, perfect for intricate stuff. :)

One Hi Shine Lip Treatment in 03 Go Play, a pretty moisturising gloss with a heavenly scent!

The third prize is a surprise! It will be a piece of fashion jewelry. :) I haven't bought it yet because I want it to be according to the winner's preference. I will pick out the piece though. You have to tell me what kind of jewelry you like best!
The box is for representational purposes! Lol!

OK lets just go through the rules, then you can enter! :D

  • This is a Rafflecopter giveaway.
  • There are only 7 things to do for 30 entries, 2 are mandatory, the rest are up to you.
  • One of the entries can be done everyday for additional entries. :)
  • This giveaway is open to everyone. INTERNATIONAL BABY!
  • There will be only one winner.
  • Giveaway ends on 2nd October 2012 (boyfriend's b'day! Hehe!)
  • I don't want to say this, but I find it very rude when people join giveaways and unfollow you afterwards. -_- I will not allow anyone who unfollows to take part in a giveaway on my blog again. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING! Muahaha!
  • No fake entries please! I will delete them. >.>
  • For any queries mail me at

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck everyone! You guys make me feel luckier everyday with your comments and support. ♥
Have fun!