
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Review: “Lip Ice “ lip balm in Blueberry

I just returned home from a long day. A friend of mine is looking for a house so of course I had to go.. Le sigh. I also went to the optometrist today, turns out my number has increased and I would need toric lenses which by the way are fucking expensive!! Anyway here’s a mini review I wrote on Lip Ice because I thought would help me relax.

I bought this at the local chemist for Rs.120. Ok, so I’m not quoting the details on the package, here’s a photo instead. Because I’m lazy.. Yes I am.

When I first heard of Lip Ice two months ago, my first reaction was, wtf is “Lip Ice” why would someone call it that? SO a week ago out of sheer curiosity I bought a tube and found out. Well, I found out once I read the ingredients lol! I mean it said camphor and menthol so I was like duh! That’s why!

Now, the name is totally fitting. As soon as you apply this stuff you feel the kind of tingling and coolness you feel when you apply Carmex (which I totally recommend btw!) It moisturizes your lips really well and it has SPF! BONUS!! It also has a nice albeit typically artificial blueberry smell. The smell is not overpowering or anything though, and goes away in time.

I’m in love with this balm, its chapstick form makes sure you don’t get your grimy fingers in there, not that you guys have grimy fingers but you know what I mean, right? It has graduated to being my number one lip balm! I wear it under my lipstick and before bed after my lip scrub ritual. My Carmex and Body Shop balms are probably planning an assassination from their dark little drawer. Don’t worry babies I love you too!
I see this lip balm being very good for summer use, with the cooling and sunscreen properties it has. I’m not quoting any pros and cons because dude, seriously, I’ve been quoting all my pros and guess what..

THERE ARE NO CONS! Why is it so good? I don’t know! But it is! It may have something to do with the fact that it’s from Japan… Those guys can do anything!
That’s my review, hope you enjoyed it! Lip Ice is also available in lemon, strawberry, orange.
