
Monday, June 18, 2012

NYX One Night in Morocco Palette Review

*Sigh* I want to go to Morocco, it looks like such an exotic place, where according to The Simpsons, they take only US dollars because their "Monkey is drugs, everything is drugs, even the money is drugs!" LOL!

Well, this damn palette is a drug too! I'm addicted! I use it every time I need a neutral or smokey look these days. It isn't the best palette ever or anything like that, in fact there are a few things I'd like to change but it is pretty damn useful anyway!
I got this baby from a blogsale, I think they sell them for 800-900 INR on shopping sites, but Healthkart is the only one I've seen that has it. You can always try ordering from abroad.

The packaging is a black plastic box inside a Styrofoam cover, inside the cardboard box above with the smug looking lady on it.. Why does she look so smug? I bet it's because her eye makeup is so kickass! LOL!

The black box has eight eyeshadows, the four in top row are much cooler in comparison to the lower row, I haven't used much of the top row except the black.
The long strip is an eyeshadow base, it's pretty whatever. It creases if used too thick but eyeshadow sticks to it well. Pretty useful on the go.

Then there are the lipglosses! WHY DO THEY ALWAYS HAVE LIPGLOSS?! I hate lip gloss in palettes! I want blush in a palette, not sucky lip gloss!. >:|
They aren't even well pigmented, as all other palette lip glosses. Hmph..

The Base:
It goes on a peachy colour, great for me because my eyelid area tends to be very red. But I have to be careful not to slather it on like crazy. Just dab a bit on. I wonder if it's the same base that comes in the little jar.. Hmm..


The Shadows:
The shadows are AMAZING! They're the star of this palette, they should be! They're fine and almost creamy. Except for the white, they have great colour pay-off! They are supposed to be matte but some have a smidgen of shimmer, I'm not complaining. ;)
Top row- UP: Without base DOWN: With base
 See, the white an grey are so meh that the base actually shows through!

Lower Row: AKA My favourites!

What I hate though, is that since they are so fine, the particles get into the base! AHSFJSLSKHJLL!! I hate that!! I want a clean base! Not all muddy dammit!

Lip gloss swatch, just because..

They feel like wax!Never gonna use them! X(

Here's a simple EOTD I did with the shadows, you can see how the base has creased a bit in the lower picture.

Overall, this is a good buy for beginners, the shadows are good quality and easy to work with. I love using the lower row ones for everyday looks! I just wish they had put the base in the lower compartment with a blush rather than having those lip glosses. >:(

So, will you be buying this palette? Or pass? Or do you already have it?