
Monday, July 23, 2012

Creative Makeup Challenge Day 4: Geisha Look *fail*

Ok, I know it says Geisha but I got carried away! I wanted to do something different and I skipped over to something not geisha! LOL! So now it isn't geisha anymore.. It's Kabuki!

Le difference?

LOL! Yes, instead of turning my makeup into something delicate and feminine, I managed to make it something fierce and scary! SORRY! >__<

So, here's my look, I didn't want to paint my face white so I stuck with focus on the eyes. :) used the usual geisha/ kabuki colours, white, black, red and a bit of yellow.

 I didn't want to put up the full face because it looks effing scary! But I have to because makeup challenge! ;n; The contouring makes me look like a drag queen! Here it is *gulp*:

I hope you weren't too freaked out by that! LOL!
See you tomorrow with the Goth/ Emo look.