
Friday, July 27, 2012

Creative Makeup Challenge Day 5: Emo/ Goth Makeup

Well, kitty's still here, going to be here till Monday probably! But she needs a lot of attention so I hope you understand the delay in my makeup challenge and general blogging. :(
I'll tell you more about kitty later and show y'all some pics too but first, it's makeup challenge time!

Today's theme was Goth/ Emo makeup, since I had a cat going around my feet trying to trip me, I kept it simple. Everyday Goth? Scene maybe? Tell me what you think! I feel like it's very similar to Day 2.. :(  Promise to do better next time! x.x

Anyway, I'm sure you'll forgive me if you see pics of kitty! So here are a few I took yesterday. :) Enjoy! And I promise I'll reply to all your comments in a bit!

Kitteh likes the warm and fat one (me!)

According to my friend she should be called Batface! ♥

Yoda ears! Need to give them a good cleaning!

We're watching The Simpsons! KITTEH GET OFF MAH LAP!

Maum! Did you know there's a cat on the other side? *derp*
 Hope you enjoyed my little Kitty picture spam! And the very uninspired look too. >.<
In other news, I won a giveaway on Sleek Makup's Facebook! I win the whole 2012 Limited Edition collection! It's inspired by the London Olympics... I'm so excited!! I never win with just luck at anything! I didn't even know I had won till Bhumika from New-Love Makeup told me! Thanks Bhumika! *hugs*
Yay! This is what it looks like, now the wait begins.. LOL!

Thank you all for being patient with me and my lack of updates. I'll be back on track soon! ^-^