
Friday, June 28, 2013

Goodies from Nivea and Giveaway Announcement

Hey everyone!
I'm sitting here with orange hair right now, waiting for it to dry a bit so I can slap on some colour on to it! I'll show you what colour tomorrow. ^u^
But I was getting bored right now and thought I would share some goodies that Nivea sent me to try!
I remember when Nivea used to be that little blue tin of cream, now I realise they have SO many products!
Anyway, here's a little picspam for y'all!

I can't wait to try the Whitening Smooth Skin deo. Lol! JUST to see if it actually works! I will review it for you guys, armpit pics and all! HAHA! Yes, that's how much of a dedicated blogger I am, I will put up my armpits on the internet!

Then there is this SPF 30 water resistant Face Fluid and there's a face wash with it! It's INR 350! I feel like that is a lot but if the stuff is effective I wouldn't mind paying!
It looks really interesting, too bad I have no real use for it in this pouring rain. >.< 
Come October though, I'm going to need it!

Lastly, there is "Powerfruit Relax" Shower gel.
GUYS! This smells like the burps of angels who've been eating blueberries! SERIOUSLY!
It is so good.
And that sentence up there is probably a sign I need more ventilation when I'm bleaching my hair. Lol!

And it all came in a lovely cloth bag with vintage Nivea ads on the side.
This one is from 1958! Lovely illustration!

Hope you enjoyed this little post! Do let me know what Nivea products you enjoy!

And also, Beauty and the Cheap is having it's 2000 likes giveaway on Facebook!

Love you all! 
Thanks for reading!