
Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Look at NYX Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest makes me think of some heavenly green place, always peaceful, with rainbows and unicorns prancing around. Turns out, you will never find this place because they packaged it into a nail polish bottle and their selling it for 206 INR on most websites.
Ok, they didn't put in the unicorns, well how you going to fit a unicorn into a 12 ml bottle? Plus they're cruelty free so I didn't expect it anyway. I feel bad for those homeless unicorns though. :(

This nail polish is beautiful! Big and small holo hex glitters with tinier sparkles all shining green and the colours of the rainbow in a sea of green jelly, which btw dries very fast, so no messed up nails from emergency texting! YAY!

I chose to wear this over my favourite polish, any guesses? NYX Surf which I've worn here and here.

I tried it on my bare nails but the green tinged nail look was not a glamorous one. So definitely need a matching base for this. Black would do well too!

Here are the swatches:
Indoors with flash

Natural light; Look at those glitters glow! 
Direct sunlight
I'm loving this polish! It changes in the light in such a beautiful way, plus I've been wearing it for 3 days now and no chipping! I highly recommend it! The only flop of the polish is that you really have to fish out the big glitters, I was literally looking for them, shaking the bottle and dabbing them on when I got them.

But once you get that out of the way and look at your pretty nails, you'll forget the hardships you went through to take out those glitters.
So, get this polish! Unless you feel very strongly about depleting the unicorn's natural habitat...