
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tag: What's in My Purse? ^u^

I've wanted to do this post for a loooong time now. I've seen other bloggers do it and truthfully, my purse looks like nothing compared to theirs. I guess I just don't carry that much stuff. :/ I tried a different funny way to go about this, I mean what's the point of me just naming things right? I hope you enjoy!
Let's get to it!

This is my favourite purse by the way, I got it on sale at Accessorize a few months ago and I love it! ♥

Let's poke our heads inside, shall we? :P

Clockwise from left:

My Homing Wallet: My absolutely favourite Cath Kidston wallet! It actually did home back to me.. It got stolen on the bus from my purse and I didn't even know! I got a call a few hours later from a kid, that he had founf it and I got it back! How lucky is that? Nothing was missing except the little change I had. So sometimes, we should have faith in humanity!

Bath and Body Works "Bones" Hand Sanitizer: Mmmm.. Smells like vanilla and coconut! Plus adorable crossbones on the bottle! Did I just type adorable crossbones?... O_o

Fresh Ones: Because you never know when a bird's gonna poop on you and you have to clean it off! LOL!

My iPod Nano: Cannot live without my K-pop! Especially in a boring bus. -__-

My Nokia X5 cell phone: I don't call people, people call me! No, I'm not being a beeyotch.. I just never have any balance! LOL!

Lotus Sunscreen: Because that yummy roasting smell is probably me in the sun without it!

Bath and Body Works "Sweet Pea" Body Splash: Love this! Covers up the oogiest body odours! I'm almost done with this bottle but I have another waiting. ;)

My Makeup Pouch: Gotta have that! Here's what's inside THAT!

Basicare Blotting Tissue: Because I'm an oil well and they help!

Maybelline Colossal Kajal: Love this kajal! No more "I've cried a thousand tears-emo-raccoon" face!

Maybelline Dream Matte Powder: As I said, oil well.. So, I'm trying this out! Review soon. ^^

Facewash: I usually carry around a small face wash, right now it's this Jovees grapeseed something I got as a sample.. Review soon!

Lipstick and Lipbalm: Could be any lipstick! I just picked NYX's Addis Ababa soft matte lip cream for the photo because.. Bright packaging! =D I carry the Lipice lipbalm EVERYWHERE! It's a lifesaver!

Maybelline BB cream: Because it helps my skin transform from "been dead for a week" to "Oh-la-la."

That's it girls! All that is in my purse, just add a water bottle and I'm good to go!

Ooh! I almost forgot! Check out this cute cellphone charm my sister got me! She says since I blog about makeup, it fit the bill! What do you think? ^-^

I would love to see y'all try this tag! It is really fun! :D Helped me clean my purse out a bit too! LOL!

Hope you enjoyed it!