
Sunday, December 25, 2011

I got a Xmas surprise. :D

One of my friends got me O.P.I.'s Shatter nail polish in Silver Shatter from the US!!! Wooot! I'm so excited! I can't wait to try it out! EEEE!!!! *deep breath*

And my aunt, also coming back from the US got me the Moringa bath set by The Body Shop and a certifiably insane amount of candy and chocolates. It feels like Xmas now!

P.S.- *o* So many exclamations!
And Happy Christmas everyone! Enjoy your holidays and eat a lot lol! Sorry about the tiny post, I've got more stuff to upload later but for now, this is it. I've got some fun videos for you to watch:

12 days of xmas Channel V version
"Santa Claws"
Jingle Balle Balle
