
Friday, December 23, 2011

NOTD (nails of the day)...

... And hopefully the week! Seriously, I hate how much my nail polish chips. And I'm so OCD that the smallest chip makes me remove the whole thing and do it over. :/ *end rant*

So today's NOTD is *ding ding ding* leopard prints! Lol!
I love leopard print, it is so trashy/ kitschy yet wearable! So here is the look:

I broke my index finger's nail. I is a klutz! D: So I thought a really big french tip would make my nails look longer. ^_^

Heehee.. I'm pretty happy with it!

What I used: Sally Hansen double duty as base coat, Maybelline Colorama Dourado Metalico for the gold. Nail art pens in pink and black for spots and Konad top coat. :)
Hope you liked it! I gotta run now, have a lunch to go to! Bye!